Featured Collection

A slider or single row grid of products in a collection.




  • Heading [Inline Rich Text]
  • Semantic Level [Choice]
    • HTML element to use for this heading
      Choices: h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
  • Style [Choice]
    • Match the styles of another heading level, regardless of the semantic elemental level.
      Choices: h0, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
  • Description [Rich Text]
  • Show collection description from the admin [Checkbox]
  • Description Size [Choice]
    • Choices: Small, Default, Large
  • Enable "View all" if collection has more products than shown [Checkbox]
  • View All Button Text [Text]
  • Collection [Collection picker]
  • Maximum products to show
  • Number of columns on desktop
  • Number of columns on tablet
  • Image ratio
    • Choices: Adapt to image, Portrait, Landscape, Square
  • Show second image on hover
  • Show  vender
  • Show Date
    • To display a date, add a Date and time metafield with namespace/key of 'custom.date'.
  • Show Location
    • To display a location, add a text metafield with namespace/key of 'custom.location'.
  • Enable quick add button
  • Background
    • Choices: Default, Accent, Gradient, Gradient Blob Left-Top, Gradient Blob Right-Bottom
  • Color scheme [Color scheme picker]
  • Top padding [Range]
  • Bottom padding [Range]