Search Results

Search bar with filterable and sortable results listing.



  • Results Per Page [Range]
  • Number of columns on desktop [Range]
  • Number of columns tablet [Range]
  • Search Inactive [Text]
  • Search Active [Text]
  • Enable filtering [Checkbox]
  • Desktop filter layout [Select]
    • Options: Horizontal, Vertical, Drawer
  • Enable sorting [Checkbox]
  • Image ratio [Select]
    • Options: Adapt to image, Portrait, Landscape, Square
  • Show  second image on hover [Checkbox]
  • Show vendor [Checkbox]
  • Show Date [Checkbox]
    • To display a date, add a Date and time metafield with namespace/key of ''.
  • Show Location [Checkbox]
    • To display a location, add a text metafield with namespace/key of 'custom/location'.
  • Show date [Checkbox]
  • Show author [Checkbox]
  • Show Excerpt [Checkbox]
  • Color scheme [Color scheme picker]
  • Top padding [Range]
  • Bottom padding [Range]