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  2. Brightlane Shopify

Theme Settings

Global settings for the Brightlane Shopify theme.

  • Logo
    • Logo [Image picker]
    • Desktop logo width [Range]
    • Favicon image [Image picker]
  • Colors
    • Schemes
      Set color schemes that can be selected in any section with a color scheme picker. 
      • Text
        • Text
        • Links
        • Links Hover
      • Backgrounds
        • Default
        • Accent
      • Decorations
        • Gradient Color 1
        • Gradient Color 2
        • Accent 1
        • Accent 2
      • Primary Button
        • Background
        • Gradient
        • Border
        • Label
      • Secondary Button
        • Background
        • Gradient
        • Border
        • Label
      • Inputs
        • Background
        • Border
        • Text
  • Typography
    • Headings
      • Font [Font picker]
      • Font size scale [Range]
      • Heading Style [Select]
        • Options: Normal, Uppercase, Title
    • Body
      • Font [Font picker]
      • Font size scale [Range]
  • Layout
    • Page width [Range]
    • Horizontal Space [Range]
    • Vertical Space [Range]
    • Horizontal Rule Width [Range]
  • Animations
    • Reveal sections on scroll [Checkbox]
  • Buttons
    • Border
      • Thickness [Range]
      • Corner Radius [Range]
    • Text Style [Select]
      • Options: Default, Title, Uppercase
  • Variant Pills
    • Border
      • Thickness [Range]
      • Corner Radius [Range]
  • Inputs
    • Border
      • Thickness [Range]
      • Corner Radius [Range]
  • Product Cards
    • Style [Select]
      • Options: Standard, Card
    • Image padding [Range]
    • Text alignment [Select]
      • Options: Left, Center, Right
    • Border
      • Thickness [Range]
      • Opacity [Range]
      • Corner Radius [Range]
  • Collection Cards
    • Style [Select]
      • Options: Standard, Card
  • Blog Cards
    • Style [Select]
      • Options: Standard, Card
    • Image padding [Range]
    • Text alignment [Select]
      • Options: Left, Center, Right
    • Border
      • Thickness [Range]
      • Opacity [Range]
      • Corner Radius [Range]
  • Content Containers
    • Border
      • Thickness [Range]
      • Opacity [Range]
      • Corner Radius [Range]
  • Media
    • Border
      • Thickness [Range]
      • Opacity [Range]
      • Corner Radius [Range]
  • Drawers
    • Border
      • Thickness [Range]
      • Opacity [Range]
  • Badges
    • Corner Radius [Range]
      • Sale Badge Color Scheme [Color scheme picker]
      • Sold Out Badge Color Scheme [Color scheme picker]
  • Social Media
    • Social Accounts
      • Facebook [Text]
      • LinkedIn [Text]
      • Instagram [Text]
      • YouTube [Text]
      • TikTok [Text]
      • [Text]
      • Snapchat [Text]
      • Pinterest [Text]
      • Tumblr [Text]
      • Vimeo [Text]
  • Search Behavior
    • Enable search suggestions [Checkbox]
    • Search Message [Text]
    • No Results Message [Text]
    • Style [Select]
      • Options: Standard, Card
    • Image Ratio [Select]
      • Options: Adapt to image, Portrait, Landscape, Square
    • Show product vendor [Checkbox]
    • Show Date [Checkbox]
      • To display a date, add a Date and time metafield with namespace/key of 'custom.date'.
    • Show Location [Checkbox]
      • To display a date, add a Date and time metafield with namespace/key of 'custom.location'.
    • Currency Format
      • Show currency codes [Checkbox]
    • Gift Card
      • Color Scheme [Color scheme picker]
      • Gift Card Image [Image picker]
    • Theme Style
      • Dark
      • Light