Blog Slider

A multi-slide slider to dynamically display blog posts.

Note: The section this module is added to should have its Content Alignment set to Full width.

View a live demo of this module.


  • Adjust the text of the heading to the left
  • Choose to show recent posts, popular posts, recent posts that have a particular tag, or manually selected posts
  • By default, this module pulls from the portal's default blog, but you can choose to  pull from any blog in your portal
  • Change heading level of post titles
  • Show/hide summary, tags, author, date, and read time
  • Change read more button style
  • Adjust the number of posts displaying at once
  • Edit screen reader text for slider (next button, previous button, pagination, etc)


  • Set Light Mode
  • Set slider type (slide, loop, rewind)
  • Adjust arrow color
  • Show/hide text of inactive slides
  • Adjust the color of active slide shadows
  • Adjust slide corner radius
  • Change the slide post style [+ only]
