Related Blog Posts

Dynamically generated posts related to the content of the current page.

Note: The section this module is added to should have its Content Alignment set to Full width. This entire section will stick to the top of the page as the user scrolls down.

View a live demo of this module.


  • Include full heading and heading options
  • By default, it will pull resources from the portal's default blog, but you can choose any blog in your portal to pull from
  • Choose to show most recent posts, post with certain tags, and/or posts within a certain date range
  • Choose how many posts to show
  • Show/Hide thumbnail, tag, date, and/or summary
  • Choose where you want the summary to be pulled from and the max character length of the summary


  • Edit Dark Mode, alignment, and bottom border for heading
  • Change heading alignment
  • Edit heading bottom border
  • Edit background, aspect ratio, dark mode, text alignment, border and box shadow for resource items