
Fields to set settings for a grid layout.

  • Width Type [Choice[
    Fit to Content
    and Max Width will fit as many items into a row as will fit. Even will give the option to set the max number of columns to a row.
    Choices: Even, Fit to Content, Max Width
  • Items Per Row: [Number]
    Number of items to display in a row.
  • Spacing Between Rows: [Number]
  • Spacing Between Items: [Number]
  • Align Content [Choice]
    How the items should align vertically with each other.
    Choices: Stretch, Center, Top, Bottom
  • Justify Content [Choice]
    How the items should align horizontally in the row. Some options will only be noticeable on non-even columns and/or in rows that do not contain the max number of columns.
    Choices: Default, Left, Center, Right, Space Between, Space Around, Space Evenly