Fields to determine the layout and functionality of a slider.
- Slider Label [Text]
A label to for screen readers to describe the content of the slider. This element does not display visually.
- Carousel Type [Choice]
If Style is set to Slider
Choices: Loop, Slide, Fade
- Rewind [Boolean]
If Style is set to Slider, determines whether to rewind the carousel when navigating past the last slide.
- Arrow Style [Choice]
If Style is set to Slider.
Choices: Arrow, Chevron
- Desktop, Tablet, Mobile [Responsive Groups]
- Slides Per Page [Number]
Set how many slides to show at a time.
- Slides Per Move [Number]
Set how many slides to navigate at a time.
- Space between Slides [Number]
If showing more than one slide per page, set how much space should be between each slide.
- Show Arrows? [Boolean]
- Show Pagination Dots? [Boolean]
- Show Overflow? [Boolean]If checked, the previous and next page will be visible on the outside edge of the slider.
- List Padding [Group]
Used to partially show previous/next slides.
- Left [Number]
- Right [Number]