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Field group for displaying a text block in a module.

  • Select text elements you want to appear [Choice]
    Allows selection of which elements should be displayed in the module.
    Choices: Eyebrow, Heading, Subheading, Body Text
  • Eyebrow Text [Text]
    Add text for an eyebrow.
  • Heading [Text]
    Add text for a heading.
  • Semantic Heading Level [Number] [Required]
    HTML element to use for the heading.
  • Style Heading Level [Number] [Required]
    Set styles for the heading to that of another heading level, regardless of the semantic level.
  • Add link to heading [Boolean]
    Allows a link to be added to the heading.
  • Heading Link [Link]
    Enter a link to be added to the heading.
  • Subheading [Rich Text]
    Add rich text for a subheading.
  • Text [Rich Text]
    Add rich text for body text.
  • Text Size [Choice]
    Change body text to match one of the body presets in the Theme Settings.
    -- Choices: Default, Medium, Small, Tiny
  • Make list into icon list [Boolean]
    Checking changes all lists in the body text into icon lists.
  • Split list into columns [Boolean]
    Checking splits all lists in the body text into columns.
  • List Column Count (Desktop) [Number]
    Set the column count of columned lists on desktop.
  • List Column Count (Tablet) [Number]
    Set the column count of columned lists on tablet.
  • List Column Count (Mobile) [Number]
    Set the column count of columned lists on mobile.