Dynamically generated or manually added resources related to the content of the current page.
- Include heading with eyebrow, heading, sub-heading, text, and/or buttons
- Select what content to show in the resources (image, read time, date, tag, author, summary, cta)
- Select to manually enter content
- If manually entering include image, publish date, read time, author, tag, title, summary, link, button text, button color
- If dynamically pulling posts:
- Set to pull recent posts
- Choose blog(s) to pull from (if not default)
- If not pulling recent posts:
- Select tags that should take priority in the algorithm (this does not make the function explicitly pull those tags)
- Show posts published on after and before certain dates
- Set button text
- Limit the number of posts to show
- Change the date format
- Change where the summary is pulled from (summary, body, meta)
- Set a max word count on the summary
- Change text strings for read time and tag spacer
- Set Dark Mode of heading and cards separately
- Change text alignment of heading
- Change placement of heading (above resources, to the right of resources, to the left of resources)
- Change image aspect ratio
- Change hover animation of image (zoom-in, zoom-out, grayscale, color)
- Change text alignment of cards
- Change button color of cards
- Style background, border, radius, and box shadow of cards