Social Sharing

Icon links you can use to share page to social media.

View a live demo of this module.


  • Add a label above/beside the socials
  • Choose what socials to display (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, email, download)
  • Add a title to the socials for screen reader accessibility
  • If adding download, include a link to the downloadable resource
  • Add a custom share URL to share a page other than the current page the module is on
  • Add custom text to share instead of using the page's public title (used in Tweets, Pins, and the email subject line)
  • Add a custom image for Pinterest pins
  • Change the orientation of the module (horizontal or vertical)
  • Make module stick to the top of a column when scrolling down
    • Best used with the vertical orientation
    • Module must be the only item in the column
  • If orientation is set to horizontal the alignment of the module can be changed (left, center, right)
  • Change position of module on mobile (left, center, right)


  • Set Dark Mode
  • Change color and hover color of icons
  • Enclose each icon in a box (can change background color, background hover color, border, and radius of box)
